Friday, June 7, 2019

Marketing plan for mercedes benz Essay Example for Free

Marketing plan for mercedes benz EssayDear PargonntsYou must be intercommunicate about the laws that Current Legislation in UK produced in order to protect the children and young people.Current Legislation1. Children Act (2004) identify five outcomes for children1. didactics Act (1993)Parents of children under 2 years have the right to ask for the child to be formally assessed2. Sex Discrimination Act (1975) understand that individuals are not discriminated against on the grounds of their sex3. Race Relation Act (1976)Equality of opportunity must be promoted4. Public Health Act (1984)Covers the recounting and exclusion periods for certain infectious diseases5. Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulation (RIDDOR) (1995) Specify certain accidents and incidents that must be by law, lineed6. Equality Act 2010Aims to experience that rights of disabled individuals are met7. Special Educational Need and Disability Act (2004)Protects children from discriminatio n on the basis of disability , and scartings must make reasonable adjustments to their formulation to affect the need and right of the child8. Code of Practice for First Aid (1997)Gives guidance on the proviso of trained first promoteers and first aid provision9. Protection of the Children Act (1998)Requires a list to be kept of people considered to be unsuitable to work with children10. Care of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations (2002) have it away with the identification, storage and use of potentially harmful substances, such as cleaning fluids11. Childcare Act (2006) the law that sets outDuties on local authorities to remediate outcomes for children and to ensure access to information about provision in their area Legal frameworks for regulation and inspection of provision for children from birth to age 17 The former(a) age Foundation Stage (EYFS) this is the framework for the delivery of quality integrated care and nurture for children from birth to the 31 August following their fifth birthday. The EYFS includes requirements for the provision of young childrens welfare, learning and development that all providers must meet, as well as good practice guidance.Dear ParentsYou must be informed about the role of Regulatory Bodies that made all the inspection, investigation and enforcements to my premises in order to improve the overall well-being of the children.OFSTEDOfsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Childrens Services andSkills. They report directly to Parliament and they are independent and impartial.Ofsted is responsible for the inspection of a range of educations and childrens services, and for the inspection and regulation of registered Early Years and Childcare provision.The aim of all this work is to promote improvement and value for money in the services they inspect and regulate, so that children and young people, parents and carriers benefits.The registration passage with Ofsted looks at my ability and suitab ility if I deliver the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). This is the framework for the delivery of quality integrated care and education for children from birth to the 31 August following their fifth birthday. The EYFS includes requirements for the provision of young childrens welfare, learning and development that all providers must meet, as well as good practice guidance.An Ofsted inspector will make regular visits to my premises and discuss about how I will meet the welfare requirementsThe Inspection report produced by Ofsted will covers the followings If, I and every other person looking after children on my premises, are suitable to care for children Every person backup or working on my premises is suitable to be in regular contact with children My premises is suitable for looking after childrenIf, I meet or will meet all the welfare, learning and development requirements of Early Years Foundation Stage and all the regulations and any conditions of registration imposed by. by and by an inspection, Ofsted publishes a report on Childminder home based environment website. In addition to written comments on a number of areas,schools and childminder premises are assessed on each area and overall on a 4-point scale1 (Outstanding),2 (Good),3 (Satisfactory)4 (Inadequate).Ofsted Register Early Years Childminders toProtect the childrenEnsure that they meet the requirements of Early Years Register Ensure that they provide good outcomes for children that keep children healthy, safe, ensure that they enjoy what they do and achieve well, make a tyrannical contribution and develop skills for the future Promote high quality in the provision of care and learning and development Provide reassurance to parentsFailure to complying with this welfare requirements would eviscerate complains or concerns from parents or other people side.The law gives to Ofsted as regulatory body a range of powers to regulate childrens social care services, which set out the action that can take in order to enforce compliance with the law. They consider the particular circumstances of each case before decision making what action they need to take. However, it is very important for me not to lose sight of the overriding principle of ensuring the welfare of children and young people.

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